Success Stories

SkyVision Private Network Enables Secure Data Sharing Between Agro-Industrial Company Branches from Africa to Europe
A European Agro-Industrial Group of companies, holder of several private African agro-industrial companies, needed to connect all of its African companies both between themselves and to their headquarters.
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SkyVision Turnkey VPN Solution Through Local Hub Guarantees Low Latency and Reliable Backup Connection
SkyVision VPN allows organizations to connect their WAN sites, sharing information by means of voice and data applications, with no investment in additional infrastructure. SkyVision’s connectivity solution employs a single common VSAT-based network to provide the organization with high quality network performance and reliability. In addition, the advanced technology behind SkyVision’s solution offers significantly increased flexibility and enables management control across geographic boundaries.
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SkyVision’s VPN Solution Helps Nigerian Bank Roll Out ATM Network
When a leading financial institution in Nigeria, committed to providing their customers with convenient, reliable banking services, decided to roll out its ATM network to parts of the country that previously had no ATMs, they needed a solution they could trust, and they needed to keep costs to a minimum.
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SkyVision Advantage VSAT Internet Connectivity Solution Enables Low Cost Reliable Internet Service for Education Sector Nigeria
The ICT Institution required low cost, reliable, high quality Internet connectivity for a total of five different ITC centers located at different universities throughout Nigeria. The solution would need to be fast and easy to install, run on existing equipment and provide superior service even in the remotest of areas.
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SkyVision Optimize Enables Internet Service Provider to Upgrade and Consolidate Bandwidth Resources
The ISP offers a suite of fast and affordable internet connectivity services in Nigeria. This ISP was facing a situation where they were offering their customers bandwidth on two different satellite platforms, one which was underutilized and couldn’t be distributed efficiently, the other which was overutilized and couldn’t be expanded.
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SkyVision Optimize Offers Dedicated Capacity from SkyVision Hubs with Increased Flexibility and Control
SkyVision provides a leading Nigerian food manufacturer with a high-quality VSAT solution to deploy Oracle ERP across its organization. The Food & Retail Chain is one of Nigeria's leading food retailers, and is now aiming to become a pan-African franchise. The company’s two leading brands are enjoying great success and are the focus of the Food & Retail Chains’ plans for expanding its enterprise.
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